Sunday, September 20, 2015

The 11 Elements of Eating (inspired by the 7 Elements of Art)
Flavor (Like that taste?)
Texture (Feels good going in?)
Coverage (How messy?)
Chewing (Fast or slow? Do your teeth have to tear and crush?)
Familiarity (Have you seen the food before?)
Satisfaction (Filled up? Want more?)
Nutritional Value (Healthy or junk?)
Environment (Where do you eat? At home? On the go? At a restaurant?)
Culture (What kind of food? Mexican? Asian? Italian?)
Size (How big are your portions?)
Temperature (Cold or hot? Heated or raw?)
(My dad helped me with some of the ideas above)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Have you ever wondered WHY we eat what we eat? In Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, And Wear Cows, social psychologist Melanie Joy addresses this subject. The traditions of eating meat and having dogs for pets have been in society for centuries, so we never really think about the fact that it doesn't make sense. Visit for more information.