Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Journey to the Yellow Planet: 6 Years Later

I'm going through my old childhood drawings and writing, and have decided to repost this story from when I was seven that I posted here when I was eight. It's a crazy sci-fi/fantasy story and it might be a little fan fiction-y, but in retrospect it's pretty remarkable for a seven-year-old. You can read it here. Happy quarantine/Cinco de Mayo/May/birthday (if it is your birthday). Also, you can find my line-by-line commentary here.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hey, Twitter! These Aren't Curse Words

Social Justice Warrior (SJW)

You know, this actually used to be a compliment. What's changed? What's so wrong with social justice nowadays?


Same here. From what I can tell, this means sociopolitically conscious. Again, WHY IS THAT A BAD THING?


These are differing ideologies, not expletives. Even "communist" isn't really an expletive, so how come such apparently benign words as "left" and "right" are used as sharp insults on Twitter? They're DIRECTIONS, people. "Turn right on Sixth Street and make a left at Warsaw Boulevard." Sorry I got POLITICAL there!


Freedom of the press is a critical First Amendment right. "Media" is not a cuss word any more than "decaf" is -- some people can't stand it, but its existence is important to many.

So, that's my rant about Twitter's idea of profanity. "Twitter" isn't a curse word either, but it's starting to seem like one to me.