Monday, April 13, 2020

4 Political Thoughts (Plus 1)

1. Thank you, Bernie Sanders, for endorsing Joe Biden, and to both of you for reminding us that human dignity in politics is still hanging in there.

2. If you live in Kentucky, please consider electing a non-dirtbag for senator.

3. The West Wing has actually led me to have more respect for my fellow Americans of the Republican persuasion. Ainsley Hayes kicks debating butt!

4. I can't tell anymore whether Trump is more of an arrogant, blustering idiot or a manipulative, power-hungry a-hole. I have a great deal of trouble feeling good about either possibility.

ADDITIONALLY: Thank you to all the people who are working to keep us alive and sane during this pandemic - especially the healthcare workers, of course, but also the entertainers, the researchers, the criminally under-appreciated Instacart workers, the perhaps even more criminally under-appreciated sanitation workers, and so many others.

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