Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A Few Good Things I've Gotten Off Quarantine

I have calluses from hours of playing guitar that I probably wouldn't have spent if not for this. I also have renewed motivation to finish revising and publish my first novel. I have more candid communication, and more communication in general, with my friends in the midst of all that's happening around us. I have an obsession with The West Wing, though nothing could quite eclipse my obsession with Alias as it stood the last few months while I watched it for the first time. I have the ability to watch The Good Place with my little brother and The Breakfast Club with my mom due to VidAngel's temporarily offering its services for free. I have a profound appreciation for my family's continued health and safety, as tragedy puts things in perspective. To keep things positive, I won't spend much time on the increased anxiety I also have and the food that I don't have (hello, dehydrated refried bean flakes). My heart goes out to all those who really are suffering from this, but while I'm cynical about the current state of the world, I am (almost) always the optimist when it comes to my personal situation, so I feel the need to look on the bright side of quarantine to maintain my sanity.

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