Sunday, March 29, 2020

Quarantine Schedule

Assuming a worst-case scenario, in which America is under quarantine for months on end, I have things planned out. I will finish revising my novel, write and revise at least five short stories, keep up my GPA in an online format, get good enough on the guitar to proficiently coherently play the introduction to "Crazy on You" (which will take a lot of effort), finish bingeing The West Wing (after which I will re-binge Alias, then re-binge The West Wing, then repeat until quarantine is over), and become that friend who seems to always know what to say (which will take even more effort than the "Crazy on You" goal).

Wow, I'm booked. I guess I should probably be doing schoolwork to keep up that GPA/writing said short stories/playing the guitar/watching The West Wing/being a good friend instead of posting on here! Nah, still gonna post.

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